deeptrain.util package


deeptrain.util.algorithms module


Shuffles each of the iterables the same way. Ex:

>>> ([1, 2, 3, 4], {'a': 5, 'b': 6, 'c': 7, 'd': 8})
>>> ([3, 4, 1, 2], {'c': 7, 'd': 8, 'a': 5, 'b': 6})
deeptrain.util.algorithms.nCk(n, k)


deeptrain.util.algorithms.builtin_or_npscalar(x, include_type_type=False)

Returns True if x is a builtin or a numpy scalar. Since type is a builtin, but is a class rather than a literal, it’s omitted by default; set include_type_type=True to include it.

deeptrain.util.algorithms.obj_to_str(x, len_lim=200, drop_absname=False)

Converts x to a string representation if it isn’t a builtin or numpy scalar.

Trims string representation to len_lim if x or type(x) have no __qualname__ or __name__ attributes. To drop packages and modules in an object’s name (package.subpackage.obj), pass drop_absname=True.


Return total number of items in an arbitrarily nested iterable - excluding the iterables themselves.

deeptrain.util.algorithms.deepget(obj, key=None, drop_keys=0)

Get an item from an arbitarily nested iterable. key is a list/tuple of indices of access specifiers (indices or mapping (e.g. dict) keys); if a mapping is unordered (e.g. dict for Python <=3.5), retrieval isn’t consistent.

deeptrain.util.algorithms.deepmap(obj, fn)

Map fn to items of an arbitrarily nested iterable, including iterables. See for an explanation.

deeptrain.util.algorithms.deep_isinstance(obj, cond)

Checks that items within an arbitrarily nested iterable meet cond. Returns a list of bools; to assert that all elements meet cond, run all(deep_isinstance()).

deeptrain.util.configs module

Custom configurations for TrainGenerator() / DataGenerator() go here. These will be defaulted to when pertinent configs aren’t passed explicitly to __init__ (e.g. _PLOT_CFG for TrainGenerator.plot_configs).

deeptrain.util._default_configs module

! DO NOT MODIFY ! Used internally by classes to validate input arguments. Effective configurations are in Can serve as user reference.

deeptrain.util._default_configs._DEFAULT_MODEL_NAME_CFG = {'best_key_metric': None, 'lr': '', 'optimizer': ''}

Configures get_unique_model_name().

deeptrain.util._default_configs._DEFAULT_TRAINGEN_SAVESKIP_LIST = ['model', 'optimizer_state', 'callbacks', 'key_metric_fn', 'custom_metrics', 'metric_to_alias', 'alias_to_metric', 'name_process_key_fn', '_fit_fn', '_eval_fn', '_labels', '_preds', '_y_true', '_y_preds', '_labels_cache', '_preds_cache', '_sw_cache', '_imports', '_history_fig', '_val_max_set_name_chars', '_max_set_name_chars', '_inferred_batch_size', '_class_labels_cache', '_temp_history_empty', '_val_temp_history_empty', '_val_sw', '_set_num', '_val_set_num']


deeptrain.util._default_configs._DEFAULT_TRAINGEN_LOADSKIP_LIST = ['{auto}', 'model_name', 'model_base_name', 'model_num', 'use_passed_dirs_over_loaded', 'logdir', '_init_callbacks_called']

Configures TrainGenerator.load().

deeptrain.util._default_configs._DEFAULT_DATAGEN_SAVESKIP_LIST = ['batch', 'superbatch', 'labels', 'all_labels', '_group_batch', '_group_labels']


deeptrain.util._default_configs._DEFAULT_DATAGEN_LOADSKIP_LIST = ['data_path', 'labels_path', 'superbatch_path', 'data_loader', 'set_nums_original', 'set_nums_to_process', 'superbatch_set_nums']

Configures TrainGenerator.load().

deeptrain.util._default_configs._DEFAULT_MODEL_SAVE_KW = {'include_optimizer': True, 'save_format': None}


deeptrain.util._default_configs._DEFAULT_MODEL_SAVE_WEIGHTS_KW = {'save_format': None}


deeptrain.util._default_configs._DEFAULT_METRIC_PRINTSKIP_CFG = {'train': [], 'val': []}

Configures TrainGenerator._print_train_progress() and TrainGenerator._print_val_progress().

deeptrain.util._default_configs._DEFAULT_METRIC_TO_ALIAS = {'accuracy': 'Acc', 'f1_score': 'F1', 'loss': 'Loss', 'mean_absolute_error': 'MAE', 'mean_squared_error': 'MSE', 'tnr': '0-Acc', 'tpr': '1-Acc'}

Configures TrainGenerator._metric_name_to_alias()

deeptrain.util._default_configs._DEFAULT_ALIAS_TO_METRIC = {'acc': 'accuracy', 'cosine': 'cosine_similarity', 'f1': 'f1_score', 'f1-score': 'f1_score', 'kld': 'kullback_leibler_divergence', 'mae': 'mean_absolute_error', 'mape': 'mean_absolute_percentage_error', 'mse': 'mean_squared_error', 'msle': 'mean_squared_logarithmic_error'}

Configures TrainGenerator._alias_to_metric_name()

deeptrain.util._default_configs._DEFAULT_NAME_PROCESS_KEY_FN(key, alias, attrs)

Used within deeptrain.util.logging.get_unique_model_name().

deeptrain.util._default_configs._DEFAULT_DATAGEN_CFG = {'data_batch_shape': None, 'data_dtype': None, 'labels_batch_shape': None, 'labels_dtype': None, 'loadskip_list': ['data_path', 'labels_path', 'superbatch_path', 'data_loader', 'set_nums_original', 'set_nums_to_process', 'superbatch_set_nums'], 'saveskip_list': ['batch', 'superbatch', 'labels', 'all_labels', '_group_batch', '_group_labels'], 'shuffle_group_batches': False, 'shuffle_group_samples': False}

Default DataGenerator() configurations. Used within DataGenerator._init_and_validate_kwargs() to check whether any of args in **kwargs isn’t one of keys in this dict (in which case it’s unused internally and will raise an exception).

shuffle_group_batches: bool
See DataGenerator._make_group_batch_and_labels().
shuffle_group_samples: bool
See DataGenerator._make_group_batch_and_labels().
data_batch_shape: tuple[int]
Predefined complete batch shape (batch_size, *) (i.e. (samples, *)) to be used by some loaders in DataLoader() (of data_loader).
labels_batch_shape: tuple[int]
data_batch_shape, but for labels_loader.
data_dtype: str / dtype
Used by some loaders in DataLoader() (of data_loader) to cast loaded data to dtype.
labels_dtype: str / dtype
data_dtype, but for labels_loader.
loadskip_list: list[str]
List of DataGenerator attribute names to skip from loading. Mainly for attributes that should change between different train sessions, e.g. set_nums_to_process, or shouldn’t have **kwargs values overridden by load.
saveskip_list: list[str]
List of DataGenerator attribute names to skip from saving. Used to exclude e.g. objects that cannot be pickled (e.g. model), are large and should be loaded separately (e.g. batch), or should be reinstantiated (e.g. _imports).

Configures get_history_fig().

'fig_kw': {'figsize': (12, 7)},
'0': {
 'metrics': None,
 'x_ticks': None,
 'vhlines'   :
     {'v': '_hist_vlines',
      'h': 1},
 'mark_best_cfg': None,
 'ylims'        : (0, 2),
 'legend_kw'    : {'fontsize': 13},

 'linewidth': [1.5, 1.5],
 'linestyle': ['-', '-'],
 'color'    : None,
'1': {
 'metrics': None,
 'x_ticks': None,
     {'v': '_val_hist_vlines',
      'h': .5},
 'mark_best_cfg': None,
 'ylims'        : (0, 1),
 'legend_kw'    : {'fontsize': 13},

 'linewidth': [1.5],
 'linestyle': ['-'],
 'color': None,

Configures generate_report().

            ['model', 'model_configs', 'logs_use_full_model_name',
             'history_fig', 'plot_configs', 'max_checkpoints',
             'history', 'val_history', 'temp_history', 'val_temp_history',
             'name_process_key_fn', 'report_fontpath', 'model_name_configs',
             'report_configs', 'datagen', 'val_datagen', 'logdir', 'logs_dir',
             'best_models_dir', 'fit_fn', 'eval_fn', '_fit_fn', '_eval_fn',
             'callbacks', '_cb_alias', '_passed_args', '_history_fig',
             '_metrics_cached', 'metric_printskip_configs',
             '_inferred_batch_size', 'plot_first_pane_max_vals', '_imports',
             'iter_verbosity', '_max_set_name_chars', '_val_max_set_name_chars',
             'metric_to_alias', 'alias_to_metric',
             '*_has_', '*temp_history_empty',
            [list, np.ndarray, '#best_subset_nums'],
    ('datagen', 'val_datagen'):
            ['batch', 'group_batch', 'labels', 'all_labels',
             'batch_loaded', 'batch_exhausted', 'set_num', 'set_name',
             '_set_names', 'set_nums_original', 'set_nums_to_process',
             'superbatch_set_nums', 'data_loader', 'data_path',
             'labels_loader', 'labels_path',
             'saveskip_list', 'loadskip_list', '_path_attrs', 'preprocessor',
             '*_ATTRS', '*superbatch', '*_filepaths', '*_filenames']

Default TrainGenerator() configurations. Used within TrainGenerator._init_and_validate_kwargs() to check whether any of args in **kwargs isn’t one of keys in this dict (in which case it’s unused internally and will raise an exception).

dynamic_predict_threshold_min_max: tuple[float, float]
Range of permitted values for dynamic_predict_threshold when setting it. Useful for constraining “best subset” search to discourage high binary classifier performance with extreme best thresholds (e.g. 0.99), which might do worse on larger validation sets.
checkpoints_overwrite_duplicates: bool
Default value of overwrite in checkpoint(). Controls whether checkpoint will overwrite files if they have same name as current checkpoint’s; if False, will make unique filenames by incrementing as ‘_v2’, ‘_v3’, etc.
loss_weighted_slices_range: tuple[float, float]
Passed as weight_range to _get_weighted_sample_weight(). A linear scaling of sample_weight when using slices. During training, this is used over pred_weighted_slices_range; during validation, uses latter.
pred_weighted_slices_range: tuple[float, float]
Same as loss_weighted_slices_range, except is used during validation to compute metrics from predictions, and not in scaling train-time sample_weight.
logs_use_full_model_name: bool
Whether to use model_name or a minimal name containing number of validations done + best key metric, within checkpoint().
new_model_num: bool
Used within get_unique_model_name(). If True, will set model_num to +1 the max number after "M" for directory names in logs_dir; e.g. if such a directory is "M15__Classifier", will use "M16", and set model_num = 16.
dynamic_predict_threshold: float / None
predict_threshold that is optimized during training to yield best key_metric. See _set_predict_threshold(), which’s called by _get_val_history(), and _get_best_subset_val_history(). If None, will only use predict_threshold.
plot_first_pane_max_vals: int
Maximum number of validation metrics to plot, as set by _make_plot_configs_from_metrics(), for get_history_fig(). This is a setting for the default config maker (first method), which plots all train metrics in first pane.
_val_max_set_name_chars: int
Padding to use in TrainGenerator._print_iter_progress() to justify val_set_name when printing “Validating set val_set_name”; should be set to expected longest set name for vertical alignment. E.g. if '123', should set to 3, if '99', to 2.
_max_set_name_chars: int
Same as _val_max_set_name_chars, but for train _set_name.
predict_threshold: float
Binary classifier prediction threshold, above which to classify as '1', used in _compute_metrics(). If dynamic_predict_threshold and dynamic_predict_threshold_min_max are not None, it will be set equal to former within bounds of latter.
best_subset_size: int >= 1 / None

If not None, will search for best_subset_size number of batches yielding best validation performance, out of all validation batches (e.g. 5 of 10). Useful for model ensembling in specializing member models on different parts of data. See _get_best_subset_val_history().

  • If not None, val_datagen cannot have shuffle_group_samples attribute set, since samples must remain in original batches (tracked by respective `set_num`s) for resulting “best subset” `set_num`s to map to actual samples.
check_model_health: bool
Whether to call TrainGenerator.check_health() at the end of validation in TrainGenerator._on_val_end(), which checks whether any model layers have zero/NaN weights. Very fast / inexpensive.
max_one_best_save: bool
Whether to keep only one set of save files (model weights, TrainGenerator state, etc.) in best_models_dir when saving best model via _save_best_model().
max_checkpoints: int
Maximum sets of checkpoint files (model weights, TrainGenerator state, etc.) to keep in logdir, when checkpointing via checkpoint().
report_fontpath: str
Path to font file for font to use in saving report (save_report()); defaults to consola, which yields nice vertical & horizontal alignment.
model_base_name: str
Name between "M{model_num}" and autogenerated string from model_configs, as "M{model_num}_{model_base_name}_*"; see get_unique_model_name().
final_fig_dir: str / None
Path to directory where to save latest metric history using full model_name, at most one per model_num. If None, won’t save such a figure (but will still save history for best model & checkpoint).
loadskip_list: list[str]
List of TrainGenerator attribute names to skip from loading. Mainly for attributes that should change between different train sessions, e.g. model_num, or shouldn’t have **kwargs values overridden by load.
saveskip_list: list[str]
List of TrainGenerator attribute names to skip from saving. Used to exclude e.g. objects that cannot be pickled (e.g. model), are large and should be loaded separately (e.g. batch), or should be reinstantiated (e.g. _imports).
model_save_kw: dict / None

Passed as kwargs to

  • overwrite: bool. Whether to overwrite existing file.
  • include_optimizer: bool. Whether to include optimizer weights.
  • save_format (tf.keras): str. Savefile format. If None, will internally default to 'h5' if using tf.keras else will drop.
  • others (tf.keras): see
model_save_weights_kw: dict / None
Passed as kwargs to model.save_weights(); same as model_save_kw, excluding include_optimizer.
metric_to_alias: dict
Dict mapping a metric name to its alias; current use is for controlling how metric names are printed (see TrainGenerator._print_progress()).
alias_to_metric: dict
Dict mapping a metric alias to its TF/Keras/DeepTrain name. If defined in TF/Keras, DeepTrain uses the same names - else, they’ll match function names in deeptrain.metrics.
report_configs: dict
Dict specifying generate_report() behavior; see the method for info.
model_name_configs: dict
Dict specifying get_unique_model_name() behavior; see the method for info. If 'best_key_metric' is None, will default to '__max' if max_is_best, else '__min', in _validate_traingen_configs(), within _validate_model_name_configs.
name_process_key_fn: function
Function used within get_unique_model_name(); see the method for info.
metric_printskip_configs: dict

Names of train/val metrics (and their values) to omit in printing progress via TrainGenerator._print_train_progress() and TrainGenerator._print_val_progress(). Ex:

>>> {'train': 'accuracy',
...  'val':   ['f1_score', 'r2_score']}
>>> # So, if train metrics are ['loss', 'accuracy'], then will only print
... # 'loss' and its value.
    dynamic_predict_threshold_min_max = None,
    checkpoints_overwrite_duplicates  = True,
    loss_weighted_slices_range  = None,
    pred_weighted_slices_range  = None,
    logs_use_full_model_name    = True,
    new_model_num = True,
    dynamic_predict_threshold   = .5,  # initial
    plot_first_pane_max_vals    = 2,
    _val_max_set_name_chars     = 2,
    _max_set_name_chars  = 3,
    predict_threshold    = 0.5,
    best_subset_size     = None,
    check_model_health   = True,
    max_one_best_save    = True,
    max_checkpoints = 5,
    report_fontpath = fontsdir + "consola.ttf",
    model_base_name = "model",
    final_fig_dir   = None,

    model_save_kw = _DEFAULT_MODEL_SAVE_KW,
    model_save_weights_kw = _DEFAULT_MODEL_SAVE_WEIGHTS_KW,
    metric_to_alias     = _DEFAULT_METRIC_TO_ALIAS,
    alias_to_metric     = _DEFAULT_ALIAS_TO_METRIC,
    report_configs      = _DEFAULT_REPORT_CFG,
    model_name_configs  = _DEFAULT_MODEL_NAME_CFG,
    name_process_key_fn = _DEFAULT_NAME_PROCESS_KEY_FN,
    metric_printskip_configs = _DEFAULT_METRIC_PRINTSKIP_CFG,

deeptrain.util.data_loaders module

class deeptrain.util.data_loaders.DataLoader(path, loader, dtype=None, batch_shape=None, base_name=None, ext=None, filepaths=None)

Bases: object

Loads data from files to feed DataGenerator(). Builtin methods for handling various data & file formats. Is set within DataGenerator._infer_and_set_info().

path: str
Path to directory or file from which to get load data. If file, or if directory contains one file that isn’t of “opposite path” (labels_path if path == data_path, and vice versa), then uses Dataset mode of operation (see below) - else directory.
loader: str / function / None
Name of builtin function, or a custom function with input signature (self, set_num). Loads data from directory, or dataset file if _is_dataset. If None, defaults to a builtin as determined by load_fn() setter.
dtype: str / dtype
Dtype of data to load, required by some loaders (numpy-lz4f).
batch_shape: tuple[int]
Full batch shape of data to load, required by some loaders (numpy-lz4f).
base_name: str
Name common to all filenames in directory, used to delimit by set_num (e.g. data1.npy, data2.npy, etc)
ext: str
Extension of file(s) to load (e.g. .npy, .h5, etc).
filepaths: list[str]
Paths to files to load.

Builtin loaders: see _BUILTINS

Custom loaders:

Simplest option is to inherit DataLoader and override _get_loader() to return the custom loader; DataGenerator() will handle the rest. Fully custom ones require:

  • __init__ with same input signature as DataLoader.__init__.
  • load_fn method with (self, set_num) input signature, loading data from a directory / file
  • _get_loader method with (self, loader) input signature, returning the custom loader function
  • _path method with (self, set_num) input signature, returning path to file to load
  • _get_set_nums method
  • _is_dataset attribute

Modes of operation:

  • Directory: one batch/labels per file. Filename includes set_num and base_name.

  • Datasest: all batch`es / `labels in one file, each batch accessed by set_num:

    • Mapping (.h5): keys must be string integers.
    • Numpy array: indexed directly, so shape must be (n_batches, batch_size, *), i.e. (batches, samples, *)
_BUILTINS = {'csv', 'hdf5', 'numpy', 'numpy-lz4f', 'numpy-memmap'}

Loads data given set_num. Is data_loader or labels_loader in DataGenerator(), set in DataGenerator._infer_and_set_info().

Setter: if loader is

  • None passed to __init__, will set to string (one of builtins) in _init_loader() based on ext, or to None if path is None.
  • String, will match to a supported builtin.
  • Function, will set to the function.

For numpy arrays (.npy).


For hdf5 (.h5) files storing data one batch per file. data_path in DataGenerator() must contain more than one non-labels ‘.h5’ file to default to this loader.


For .csv files (e.g. pandas.DataFrame).


For numpy arrays (.npy) compressed with lz4framed; see preprocessing.numpy_to_lz4f(). self.data_dtype must be original (save) dtype; if there’s a mismatch, data of wrong value or shape will be decoded.

Requires data_batch_shape / labels_batch_shape attribute to be set, as compressed representation omits shape info.


Gets set_nums_original for DataGenerator().

  • _is_dataset: will fetch from the single file based on load_fn.
  • Not _is_dataset: will fetch from filenames in path, delimiting with base_name. Ex: data1.npy, data2.npy, …, and base_name = 'data' –> set_nums = [1, 2, ...].

deeptrain.util.experimental module

deeptrain.util.experimental.deepcopy_v2(obj, item_fn=None, skip_flag=42069, debug_verbose=False)

Enables customized copying of a nested iterable, mediated by item_fn.

deeptrain.util.experimental.extract_pickleable(obj, skip_flag=42069)

Given an arbitrarily nested dict / mapping, make its copy containing only objects that can be pickled. Excludes functions and class instances, even though most such can be pickled (# TODO). Utilizes deepcopy_v2().


Given an arbitrarily nested dict / mapping, make its copy containing only objects that can be pickled. Excludes functions and class instances, even though most such can be pickled (# TODO). Utilizes deep_isinstance().

deeptrain.util.logging module

deeptrain.util.logging.save_report(self, savepath=None)

Saves model, TrainGenerator, 'datagen', and 'val_datagen' attributes and values as an image-text, text generated with generate_report().

Text font is set from TrainGenerator.report_fontpath, which defaults to a programming-style consolas for consistent vertical and horizontal alignment.

If savepath is None, will save a temp report in TrainGenerator.logdir + '_temp_model__report.png'.


Generates model, TrainGenerator(), datagen, and val_datagen reports according to report_configs.

Writes attributes and values in three columns of text, converted to and saved as an image. Extracts information from model_configs and vars() of TrainGenerator, datagen, and val_datagen. Useful for snapshotting key model, training, and data attributes for quick reference.

report_configs is structured as follows:

>>> {target_0:
...     {filter_spec_0:
...          [attr0, attr1, ...],
...     },
...     {filter_spec_1:
...          [attr0, attr1, ...],
...     },
... }
  • target is one of: 'model', 'traingen', 'datagen', 'val_datagen'; it may be a tuple of, in which case filter_spec applies to those included.
  • filter_spec is one of: 'include', 'exclude', 'exclude_types', but cannot include 'include' and 'exclude' at once.
    • 'include': names of attributes to include in report; no other attribute will be included. Supports wildcards with '*' as leading character; e.g. '*_has_' will include all names starting with _has_.
    • 'exclude': names of attributes to exclude from report; all other attributes will be included. Also supports wildcards.
    • 'exclude_types': attribute types to exclude from report. Elements of this list cannot be string, unless prepended with '#', which specifies an exception. E.g. if attr is dict, and dict is in the list, then it can be kept in report by including '#attr' in the list.

See _DEFAULT_REPORT_CFG for the default report_configs, containing every possible config case.

deeptrain.util.logging.get_unique_model_name(self, set_model_num=True)

Returns a unique model name, prepended by f"M{model_num}__{model_base_name}". If set_model_num, also sets model_num.

Name is generated by extracting info from model_configs according to model_name_configs (insertion-order sensitive), name_process_key_fn, and new_model_num.

name_process_key_fn(key, alias, attrs): returns a string representation of key TrainGenerator attribute or model_configs key and its value. Below is a description of the default function, _DEFAULT_NAME_PROCESS_KEY_FN(), but custom implementations are supported:

  • key: name of attribute (and its value) to encode. Can get attribute of TrainGenerator object via '.', e.g. 'datagen.batch_size'.
  • alias: replaces key if not None
  • attrs: dict of object attribute-value pairs, where “object” is either TrainGenerator or an object that is its attribute.

Example: (using default name_process_key_fn)

>>> model_base_name == "AutoEncoder"
>>> model_num == 8
>>> model_name_configs == {"datagen.batch_size": "BS",
...                        "filters":            None,
...                        "optimizer":          "",
...                        "lr":                 "",
...                        "best_key_metric":    "__max"}
>>> model_configs = {"conv_filters": [32, 64],
...                  "lr":           0.0002,
...                  "optimizer":    tf.keras.optimizers.SGD}
>>> tg.best_key_metric == .97512  # TrainGenerator
>>> tg.datagen.batch_size == 32
... # will yield
>>> "M8__AutoEncoder-BS32-filters32_64-SGD-2e-4__max.975"

Note that if new_model_num is True, then will set to +1 the max number after "M" for directory names in logs_dir; e.g. if such a directory is "M15__Classifier", will use "M16", and set model_num = 16.

If an object is passed to model_configs, its .__name__ will be used as “value”; if this attribute is missing, will raise exception (default fn).

Note that “unique” doesn’t mean yielding a new name with each call to the function; for a name to be new, either a directory as described should have a higher "M{num}", or other sources of information must change values (e.g. TrainGenerator attributes, like best_key_metric).

deeptrain.util.logging.get_last_log(self, name, best=False)

Returns latest savefile path from logdir (best=False) or best_models_dir (best=True).

name is one of: 'report', 'state', 'weights', 'history', 'init_state'. 'init_state' ignores best (uses =False).

deeptrain.util.logging._log_init_state(self, kwargs={}, source_lognames='__main__', savedir=None, to_exclude=[], verbose=0)

Extract self.__dict__ key-value pairs as string, ignoring funcs/methods or getting their source codes. May include kwargs passed to __init__ via kwargs, and execution script’s source code via '__main__' in source_lognames.

kwargs: dict
kwargs passed to self’s __init__, in case they weren’t set to self or were changed later.
source_lognames: list[str] / str
Names of self method attributes to get source code of. If includes ‘__main__’, will get source code of execution script.
savedir: str.
Path to directory where to save logs. Saves a .json of self dict, and .txt of source codes (if any).
to_exclude: list[str] / str
Names of attributes to exclude from logging.
verbose: bool / int[bool]
Print save messages if successful.

deeptrain.util.misc module

deeptrain.util.misc.pass_on_error(fn, *args, **kwargs)
deeptrain.util.misc.try_except(try_fn, except_fn)

Unreliable with wrapped functions.


Capture bound method arguments without changing its input signature. Method must have a **kwargs to append captured arguments to.

Non-literal types and objects will be converted to their string representation (or __qualname__ or __name__ if they possess it).

deeptrain.util.misc._init_optimizer(model, class_weights=None, input_as_labels=False, alias_to_metric_name_fn=None)

Instantiates optimizer (and maybe trainer), but does NOT train (update weights).


Makes default plot_configs, building on configs._PLOT_CFG; see get_history_fig(). Validates some configs and tries to fill others.

  • Ensures every iterable config is of same len() as number of metrics in 'metrics', by extending last value of iterable to match the len. Ex:

    >>> {'metrics': {'val': ['loss', 'accuracy', 'f1']},
    ...  'linestyle': ['--', '-'],  # -> ['--', '-', '-']
    ... }
  • Assigns colors to metrics based on a default cycling coloring scheme, with some predefined customs (look for _customs_map in source code).

  • Configures up to two plot panes, mediated by plot_first_pane_max_vals; if number of metrics in 'metrics' exceeds it, then a second pane is used. Can be used to configure how many metrics to draw in first pane; useful for managing clutter.


Ensures various attributes are properly configured, and attempts correction where possible.


Enables to be imported for examples.

deeptrain.util.preprocessors module

class deeptrain.util.preprocessors.Preprocessor

Bases: object

Abstract base class for preprocessors, outlining required methods for operability with DataGenerator().

The following attributes are “synched” with DataGenerator(): batch_loaded, batch_exhausted, slices_per_batch, slice_idx. Setter and getter are implemented to set and get these attributes from the preprocessor, so they are always same for Preprocessor and DataGenerator.

process(batch, labels)

Required to implement; must return (batch, labels). Can apply arbitrary preprocessing steps, or return as-is. Is called within DataGenerator.get().


Optional to implement; must involve setting batch_exhausted and batch_loaded attributes to True or False.


Optional to implement. Can be used to reset attributes specific to the preprocessor. Is called within DataGenerator.reset_state().


Optional to implement. Can be used to do things at end of epoch. Is called within DataGenerator.on_epoch_end(), which is called by _on_epoch_end within TrainGenerator._train_postiter_processing() or TrainGenerator._val_postiter_processing().


Internal method to validate slices_per_batch in DataGenerator._set_preprocessor().

class deeptrain.util.preprocessors.TimeseriesPreprocessor(window_size, slide_size=None, start_increments=None, loadskip_list=None)

Bases: deeptrain.util.preprocessors.Preprocessor

Stateful preprocessor breaking up batches into “windows”.

window_size: int
Length of each window (dim1), or number of timesteps per slice.
slide_size: int
Number of timesteps by which to slide the window.
start_increments: int
Number of timesteps by which to increment each window when fetching.
loadskip_list: dict / None
Attributes to skip on TrainGenerator.load(). Defaults to ['start_increments', 'window_size', 'slide_size'].

A “slice” here is a “window”, and slices_per_batch is the number of such windows per batch.


Each window in windows is from calling _next_window(); changing start & end requires calling update_state().

>>> batch.shape == (32, 100, 4)
>>> window_size, slide_size, start_increment = (25, 25, 0)
>>> slices_per_batch == 4
>>> windows == [batch[:, :25],     # slice_idx = 0 (window 1)
...             batch[:, 25:50],   # slice_idx = 1 (window 2)
...             batch[:, 50:75],   # slice_idx = 2 (window 3)
...             batch[:, 75:100]]  # slice_idx = 3 (window 4)
>>> window_size, slide_size, start_increment = (25, 25, 10)
>>> slices_per_batch == 3
>>> windows == [batch[:, 10:35],   # slice_idx = 0 (window 1)
...             batch[:, 35:60],   # slice_idx = 1 (window 2)
...             batch[:, 60:85]]   # slice_idx = 2 (window 3)
>>> window_size, slide_size, start_increment = (25, 10, 0)
>>> slices_per_batch == 8
>>> windows == [batch[:, :25],     # slice_idx = 0 (window 1)
...             batch[:, 10:35],   # slice_idx = 1 (...)
...             batch[:, 20:45],   # slice_idx = 2
...             batch[:, 30:55],   # slice_idx = 3
...             batch[:, 40:65],   # slice_idx = 4
...             batch[:, 50:75],   # slice_idx = 5
...             batch[:, 60:85],   # slice_idx = 6
...             batch[:, 70:95]]   # slice_idx = 7 (window 8)
process(batch, labels)

Return next batch window, and unchanged labels.


Fetches temporal slice according to window_size, slide_size, start_increment, and slice_idx; See TimeseriesPreprocessor() for examples.


Set slice_idx = 0.


Update slices_per_batch, and start_increment if start_increments is not None.


Increment slice_idx by 1; if slice_idx == slices_per_batch, set batch_exhausted = True, batch_loaded = False.


Sliding window start increment; see help(TimeseriesPreprocessor).

class deeptrain.util.preprocessors.GenericPreprocessor(loadskip_list=None)

Bases: deeptrain.util.preprocessors.Preprocessor

Minimal Preprocessor; does nothing to batch or labels, but maintains batch_exhausted and batch_loaded logic.

process(batch, labels)

Return batch and labels as-is.

deeptrain.util.saving module

deeptrain.util.saving._save_best_model(self, del_previous_best=None)

Saves model, history fig, TrainGenerator state, and report if latest key metric is a new best (max/min, as per max_is_best). Also deletes previous best saves if max_one_best_save (as called by TrainGenerator._on_val_end(), and defaulting to if None passed).

deeptrain.util.saving.checkpoint(self, forced=False, overwrite=None)

Saves TrainGenerator state (including both `DataGenerator`s), report, history fig, and model (weights and if configured to, optimizer state and architecture).

forced: bool
If True, will checkpoint whether or not temp / unique checkpoint freq’s were met.
overwrite: bool / None
If None, set from checkpoints_overwrite_duplicates. If True, will overwrite existing checkpoint files if having same name as one generated with current checkpoint - else, will make unique names by incrementing ‘_v2’, ‘_v3’, etc.

Saves according to temp_checkpoint_freq and unique_checkpoint_freq. See _should_do(). See save() on how model and TrainGenerator state are save. Additionally, ill update model_name if best_key_metric was updated.

“Unique” checkpoint will generate save files with latest best_key_metric and _times_validated, and with full model_name if logs_use_full_model_name., savepath=None)

Save TrainGenerator state (including both DataGenerator`s), and if configured to, model weights and optimizer state. Applies callbacks with `stage='save' before saving to file.

savepath: str / None
File path to save to. If None, will set to logdir + _temp_model__state.h5. Internally, savepath is passed meaningfully by checkpoint() and _save_best_model().

Saving TrainGenerator state:

Configured with saveskip_list, and DataGenerator.saveskip_list for datagen and val_datagen; any attribute not included in the lists will be saved (except objects that cannot be pickled, which will raise PickleError. Callables (e.g. functions) are excluded automatically).

Saving optimizer state:

Configured with optimizer_save_configs, in the below structure; only one of 'include', 'exclude' can be set.

>>> {'include':  # optimizer attributes to include
...      ['weights', 'learning_rate']  # will ONLY save these
... }
>>> {'exclude':  # optimizer attributes to exclude
...      ['updates', 'epsilon']  # will save everything BUT these
... }


checkpoint() or _save_best_model`() called from within TrainGenerator._on_val_end() will set _save_from_on_val_end=True, which will then set validation flags so as to not repeat call to _on_val_end upon loading TrainGenerator.


Get optimizer attributes to save, according to optimizer_save_configs; helper method to save().

deeptrain.util.saving.load(self, filepath=None, passed_args=None)

Loads TrainGenerator state (including both DataGenerator`s), and if configured to, model optimizer attributes and instantiates optimizer (but not model architecture). Instantiates callbacks, and applies them with `stage='load'. Preloads data from datagen and val_datagen.

filepath: str / None

File path to load from. If None:

  • logdir is None, or is not a directory: raises ValueError
  • logdir is a directory: sets filepath to latest file with name ending with '__state.h5'; if there isn’t such file, raises ValueError.
passed_args: dict / None
Passed within TrainGenerator.__init__() as arguments given by user (not defaults) to __init__. Along loadskip_list, mediates which attributes are loaded (see below).

Loading TrainGenerator state:

Configured with loadskip_list, DataGenerator.loadskip_list and DataGenerator.preprocessor.loadskip_list for datagen and val_datagen; any attribute not included in the lists will be loaded. 'model' is always skipped from loading as part of pickled file, since it’s never saved via save().

  • If loadskip_list == 'auto' or falsy (e.g. None), will default it to passed_args.
  • If passed_args is falsy, defaults to [] (load all).
  • If '{auto}' is in loadskip_list, then will append passed_args to loadskip_list, and pop '{auto}'.
  • Will omit 'datagen' & 'val_datagen' from passed_args; only way to skip them is via self.loadskip_list.

Loading optimizer state:

Configured with optimizer_load_configs, in the below structure; only one of 'include', 'exclude' can be set.

>>> {'include':  # optimizer attributes to include
...      ['weights', 'learning_rate']  # will ONLY load these
... }
>>> {'exclude':  # optimizer attributes to exclude
...      ['updates', 'epsilon']  # will load everything BUT these
... }

Sets optimizer attributes from self.optimizer_state, according to optimizer_load_configs; helper method to load(). Is called internally by load(). optimizer_state is set to None to free memory afterwards.

deeptrain.util.saving._save_history_fig(self, savepath=None)

Saves _history_fig. Does nothing if _history_fig is falsy (e.g. None).

savepath: str / None
Path to save figure to. If None, will set to logdir + '_temp_model__hist.png'. Also if None, and final_fig_dir is set, will use full model name instead.

If final_fig_dir is set, will also save (at most one per model_num) figure there using full model name; if there are existing savefiles (.png) with same model_num, will delete them. Intended to document latest state of history.

deeptrain.util.searching module

Algorithms for searching combinations of various metric hyperparameters, like classification prediction threshold, and best-performing subset of batches.

Useful for e.g. tuning a classifier’s prediction threshold on validation data, or tracking classifier calibration.

deeptrain.util.searching.find_best_predict_threshold(labels, preds, metric_fn, search_interval=0.01, search_min_max=(0, 1), max_is_best=True, return_best_metric=False, threshold_preference=0.5, verbosity=0)

Finds best scalar prediction threshold for an arbitrary metric function.

labels: np.ndarray
Labels. All samples must be along dim0.
preds: np.ndarray
Predictions. All samples must be along dim0.
metric_fn: function
Metric function with input signature (labels, preds, predict_threshold).
search_interval: float
Amount by which to increment predict_threshold from min to max of search_min_max in search of best threshold.
search_min_max: tuple[float]
Search bounds for best predict_threshold.
max_is_best: bool
“Best” means maximum if True, else minimum (metric).
return_best_metric: bool
If True, will also return metric_fn evaluated at the found best threshold. Default False.
threshold_preference: float
Select best metric yielding threshold that’s closest to this, if there are multiple metrics that equal the best found.
verbosity: int in (0, 1, 2)
  • 1: print found best predict threshold and metric metric.
  • 2: print a table of (threshold, metric, best metric) for every threshold computed.
  • 0: don’t print anything.
best_th: float
Best prediction threshold
best_metric: float
Metric resulting from best_th; only returned if return_best_metric is True (default False).

Finds best threshold by trying every threshold from min to max of search_min_max, incremented by search_interval (grid search).

deeptrain.util.searching.find_best_subset(labels_all, preds_all, metric_fn, search_interval=0.01, search_min_max=(0, 1), max_is_best=True, subset_size=5)

Finds subset of batches yielding the best metric_fn.

labels_all: list[np.ndarray]
Labels in (batches, samples, *) format, as arranged within
preds_all: list[np.ndarray]
Labels in (batches, samples, *) format, same as labels_all.
metric_fn: function
Metric function with input signature (labels, preds, predict_threshold).
search_interval: float
Amount by which to increment predict_threshold from min to max of search_min_max in search of best threshold.
search_min_max: tuple[float]
Search bounds for best predict_threshold.
max_is_best: bool
“Best” means maximum if True, else minimum (metric).
subset_size: int
Size of best subset to find; must be <= len(labels_all) (but makes no sense if ==).
best_batch_idxs: list[int].
Indices of best batches, w.r.t. original labels_all & preds_all.
best_th: float
Prediction threshold yielding best score on the found best subset.
best_metric: float
Metric computed the found best subset using best_th.

Uses progressive elimination, and is not guaranteed to find the true best subset. Algorithm:

  1. Feed all labels & preds to metric_fn
  2. Remove “best” scoring batch from list of labels & preds
  3. Repeat 1-2 subset_size number of times.
deeptrain.util.searching.find_best_subset_from_history(metric, subset_size=5, max_is_best=True)

Finds subset of batches yielding the best metric, given pre-computed metrics. Simply orders metrics best-to-worst, and returns top subset_size of them. Exact.

metric: list[float]
List of pre-computed metrics, arranged as (batches, slices), or (batches,); if former, will collapse slices as a mean.
max_is_best: bool
“Best” means maximum if True, else minimum (metric).
list[int]: indices of best batches. module, metrics, val=False)

Updates temporary history given metrics. If using batch-slices, ensures entries are grouped appropriately.

  • Gets train (val=False) or val (=True) metrics, and validates that len(metrics) of returned list matches len of train_metrics or val_metrics.
  • Validates that each element of metrics is a numeric (e.g. float), class_labels, val=False, slice_idx=None, force_unweighted=False)

Make sample_weight to feed to model based on class_labels (and, if applicable, weighted slices).

class_labels: np.ndarray

Classification class labels to map sample weights according to class_weights.

>>> class_weights = {0: 4, 1: 1, 2: 2.5}
>>> class_labels  == [1, 1, 0, 1, 2]    # if
>>> sample_weight == [4, 4, 1, 4, 2.5]  # then
val: bool
Whether to use class_weights (False) or val_class_weights (True). If using sliced weights, whether to use slices_per_batch of datagen (False) or val_datagen (False). Further, if True, will get weighted sample_weight if either of loss_weighted_slices_range or pred_weighted_slices_range are set (False requires former to be set).
slice_idx: int / None
Index of slice to get sample_weight for, if using slices. If None, will return all slices_per_batch number of sample_weight.
force_unweighted: bool
Get slice-unweighted sample_weight regardless of slice usage; used internally by _get_weighted_sample_weight() to break recursion., class_labels_all, val=False, weight_range=(0.5, 1.5), slice_idx=None)

Gets slices_per_batch number of sample_weight, scaled linearly from min to max of weight_range, over slices_per_batch number of steps.

>>> weight_range == (0.5, 1.5)
>>> class_weights == {0: 1, 1: 5}  # val = False
>>> slices_per_batch == 3
>>> slice_idx == None  # get all
>>> class_labels_all == [[0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1]]
>>> [[0.5, 0.5, 2.5],
...  [1.0, 1.0, 5.0],
...  [1.5, 7.5, 7.5]], predict_threshold, for_current_iter=False)

Set predict_threshold and maybe dynamic_predict_threshold., for_current_iter=False)

Compute validation metrics from history (‘evaluate’-mode), or cache (‘predict’-mode).

for_current_iter is True when inside of validate() loop, fitting individual batches/slices, and is False _on_val_end(), where metrics over the entire validation dataset are computed. In latter, best subset is found (if applicable).

Returns history entry for best best_subset_size number of validation batches, and sets best_subset_nums.

Ex: given 10 batches, a “best subset” of 5 is the set of 5 batches that yields the best (highest/lowest depending on max_is_best) key_metric. Useful for model ensembling in specializing member models on different parts of data., data, metric_name=None, metric_fn=None)

Compute metric given labels, preds, and sample weights or prediction threshold where applicable - and metric name or function., labels_all_norm, preds_all_norm, sample_weight_all)

Computes metrics from labels, predictions, and sample weights, via _compute_metric().

Iterates over metric names in val_metrics:

  • name == 'loss': fetches loss name from model.loss, then function from deeptrain.util.metrics, computes metric, and adds model weight penalty loss (L1/L2). Loss from model.evaluate() may still differ, as no other regularizer loss is accounted for.
  • name == key_metric: computes metric with key_metric_fn.
  • name in custom_metrics: computes metric with custom_metrics[name] function.
  • name none of the above: passes name and model.loss to _compute_metric().

Ensures computed metrics are scalars (numbers, instead of lists, tuples, etc)., *arrs)
Flatten samples, slices, and batches dims into one:
  • (batches, slices, samples, *output_shape) -> (batches * slices * samples, *output_shape)
  • (batches, samples, *output_shape) -> (batches * samples, *output_shape)

*arrs are standardized (fed after _transform_eval_data()), so the minimal case is (1, 1, *output_shape), which still correctly reshapes into (1, *output_shape). Cases:

>>> #       (32, 1) -> (32, 1)
... #    (1, 32, 1) -> (32, 1)
... # (1, 1, 32, 1) -> (32, 1)
... # (1, 3, 32, 1) -> (66, 1)
... # (2, 3, 32, 1) -> (122, 1), labels_all, preds_all, sample_weight_all, class_labels_all, return_as_dict=True, unroll_into_samples=True)

Prepare data for feeding to metrics computing methods., preds_all)

Given batch-slices predictions, “weighs” binary (sigmoid) class predictions linearly according to pred_weighted_slices_range, in slices_per_batch steps. In effect, 0-class predictions from later slices are weighted greater than those from earlier, and likewise for 1-class.

Norm logic: “0-class” is defined as predicting <0.5. 1 is subtracted from all predictions, so that 0-class preds are negative, and 1-class are positive. Preds are then scaled according to slice weights, so that greater weights correspond to more negative and more positive values. Preds are then shifted back to original [0, 1]. More negative values in shifted domain thus correspond to values closer to 0 in original domain, in a manner that weighs 0-class preds and 1-class preds equally., data, val=True, validate_n_slices=True, validate_last_dims_match_outs_shape=True, validate_equal_shapes=True)

Ensures data entires are shaped (batches, *model.output_shape), or (batches, slices, *model.output_shape) if using slices.

  • Validate batch_size, and that it’s common to every batch/slice.
  • Validate slices_per_batch, and that it’s common to every batch/slice, if validate_n_slices.
data: dict[str: np.ndarray]
{'labels_all': labels_all, 'preds_all': preds_all}. Passed as self-naming dict to improve code readability in exception handling.
val: bool
Only relevant with validate_n_slices==True; if True, gets slices_per_batch from val_datagen - else, from datagen.
validate_n_slices: bool
(Default True) is set False when slice_idx is not None in in _get_weighted_sample_weight, which occurs during validate() when processing individual batch-slices. slice_idx is None _on_val_end().
validate_last_dims_match_outs_shape: bool
See _validate_class_data_shapes().
validate_equal_shapes: bool
See _validate_class_data_shapes()., data, val=True, validate_n_slices=False)

Standardize sample_weight and class_labels data. Same as _validate_data_shapes(), except skips two validations:

  • _validate_last_dims_match_outs_shape; for class_labels, model output shapes can be same as input shapes as with autoencoders, but inputs can still have class labels, subjecting to sample_weight. sample_weight often won’t share model output shape, as with e.g. multiclass classification, where individual classes aren’t weighted.
  • _equal_shapes; per above, data entries may not have equal shapes.

deeptrain.util._traingen_utils module

class deeptrain.util._traingen_utils.TraingenUtils

Bases: object

checkpoint(forced=False, overwrite=None)

Saves TrainGenerator state (including both `DataGenerator`s), report, history fig, and model (weights and if configured to, optimizer state and architecture).

forced: bool
If True, will checkpoint whether or not temp / unique checkpoint freq’s were met.
overwrite: bool / None
If None, set from checkpoints_overwrite_duplicates. If True, will overwrite existing checkpoint files if having same name as one generated with current checkpoint - else, will make unique names by incrementing ‘_v2’, ‘_v3’, etc.

Saves according to temp_checkpoint_freq and unique_checkpoint_freq. See _should_do(). See save() on how model and TrainGenerator state are save. Additionally, ill update model_name if best_key_metric was updated.

“Unique” checkpoint will generate save files with latest best_key_metric and _times_validated, and with full model_name if logs_use_full_model_name.


Save TrainGenerator state (including both DataGenerator`s), and if configured to, model weights and optimizer state. Applies callbacks with `stage='save' before saving to file.

savepath: str / None
File path to save to. If None, will set to logdir + _temp_model__state.h5. Internally, savepath is passed meaningfully by checkpoint() and _save_best_model().

Saving TrainGenerator state:

Configured with saveskip_list, and DataGenerator.saveskip_list for datagen and val_datagen; any attribute not included in the lists will be saved (except objects that cannot be pickled, which will raise PickleError. Callables (e.g. functions) are excluded automatically).

Saving optimizer state:

Configured with optimizer_save_configs, in the below structure; only one of 'include', 'exclude' can be set.

>>> {'include':  # optimizer attributes to include
...      ['weights', 'learning_rate']  # will ONLY save these
... }
>>> {'exclude':  # optimizer attributes to exclude
...      ['updates', 'epsilon']  # will save everything BUT these
... }


checkpoint() or _save_best_model`() called from within TrainGenerator._on_val_end() will set _save_from_on_val_end=True, which will then set validation flags so as to not repeat call to _on_val_end upon loading TrainGenerator.

load(filepath=None, passed_args=None)

Loads TrainGenerator state (including both DataGenerator`s), and if configured to, model optimizer attributes and instantiates optimizer (but not model architecture). Instantiates callbacks, and applies them with `stage='load'. Preloads data from datagen and val_datagen.

filepath: str / None

File path to load from. If None:

  • logdir is None, or is not a directory: raises ValueError
  • logdir is a directory: sets filepath to latest file with name ending with '__state.h5'; if there isn’t such file, raises ValueError.
passed_args: dict / None
Passed within TrainGenerator.__init__() as arguments given by user (not defaults) to __init__. Along loadskip_list, mediates which attributes are loaded (see below).

Loading TrainGenerator state:

Configured with loadskip_list, DataGenerator.loadskip_list and DataGenerator.preprocessor.loadskip_list for datagen and val_datagen; any attribute not included in the lists will be loaded. 'model' is always skipped from loading as part of pickled file, since it’s never saved via save().

  • If loadskip_list == 'auto' or falsy (e.g. None), will default it to passed_args.
  • If passed_args is falsy, defaults to [] (load all).
  • If '{auto}' is in loadskip_list, then will append passed_args to loadskip_list, and pop '{auto}'.
  • Will omit 'datagen' & 'val_datagen' from passed_args; only way to skip them is via self.loadskip_list.

Loading optimizer state:

Configured with optimizer_load_configs, in the below structure; only one of 'include', 'exclude' can be set.

>>> {'include':  # optimizer attributes to include
...      ['weights', 'learning_rate']  # will ONLY load these
... }
>>> {'exclude':  # optimizer attributes to exclude
...      ['updates', 'epsilon']  # will load everything BUT these
... }

Saves model, history fig, TrainGenerator state, and report if latest key metric is a new best (max/min, as per max_is_best). Also deletes previous best saves if max_one_best_save (as called by TrainGenerator._on_val_end(), and defaulting to if None passed).


Get optimizer attributes to save, according to optimizer_save_configs; helper method to save().


Sets optimizer attributes from self.optimizer_state, according to optimizer_load_configs; helper method to load(). Is called internally by load(). optimizer_state is set to None to free memory afterwards.


Saves _history_fig. Does nothing if _history_fig is falsy (e.g. None).

savepath: str / None
Path to save figure to. If None, will set to logdir + '_temp_model__hist.png'. Also if None, and final_fig_dir is set, will use full model name instead.

If final_fig_dir is set, will also save (at most one per model_num) figure there using full model name; if there are existing savefiles (.png) with same model_num, will delete them. Intended to document latest state of history.


Saves model, TrainGenerator, 'datagen', and 'val_datagen' attributes and values as an image-text, text generated with generate_report().

Text font is set from TrainGenerator.report_fontpath, which defaults to a programming-style consolas for consistent vertical and horizontal alignment.

If savepath is None, will save a temp report in TrainGenerator.logdir + '_temp_model__report.png'.


Generates model, TrainGenerator(), datagen, and val_datagen reports according to report_configs.

Writes attributes and values in three columns of text, converted to and saved as an image. Extracts information from model_configs and vars() of TrainGenerator, datagen, and val_datagen. Useful for snapshotting key model, training, and data attributes for quick reference.

report_configs is structured as follows:

>>> {target_0:
...     {filter_spec_0:
...          [attr0, attr1, ...],
...     },
...     {filter_spec_1:
...          [attr0, attr1, ...],
...     },
... }
  • target is one of: 'model', 'traingen', 'datagen', 'val_datagen'; it may be a tuple of, in which case filter_spec applies to those included.
  • filter_spec is one of: 'include', 'exclude', 'exclude_types', but cannot include 'include' and 'exclude' at once.
    • 'include': names of attributes to include in report; no other attribute will be included. Supports wildcards with '*' as leading character; e.g. '*_has_' will include all names starting with _has_.
    • 'exclude': names of attributes to exclude from report; all other attributes will be included. Also supports wildcards.
    • 'exclude_types': attribute types to exclude from report. Elements of this list cannot be string, unless prepended with '#', which specifies an exception. E.g. if attr is dict, and dict is in the list, then it can be kept in report by including '#attr' in the list.

See _DEFAULT_REPORT_CFG for the default report_configs, containing every possible config case.


Returns a unique model name, prepended by f"M{model_num}__{model_base_name}". If set_model_num, also sets model_num.

Name is generated by extracting info from model_configs according to model_name_configs (insertion-order sensitive), name_process_key_fn, and new_model_num.

name_process_key_fn(key, alias, attrs): returns a string representation of key TrainGenerator attribute or model_configs key and its value. Below is a description of the default function, _DEFAULT_NAME_PROCESS_KEY_FN(), but custom implementations are supported:

  • key: name of attribute (and its value) to encode. Can get attribute of TrainGenerator object via '.', e.g. 'datagen.batch_size'.
  • alias: replaces key if not None
  • attrs: dict of object attribute-value pairs, where “object” is either TrainGenerator or an object that is its attribute.

Example: (using default name_process_key_fn)

>>> model_base_name == "AutoEncoder"
>>> model_num == 8
>>> model_name_configs == {"datagen.batch_size": "BS",
...                        "filters":            None,
...                        "optimizer":          "",
...                        "lr":                 "",
...                        "best_key_metric":    "__max"}
>>> model_configs = {"conv_filters": [32, 64],
...                  "lr":           0.0002,
...                  "optimizer":    tf.keras.optimizers.SGD}
>>> tg.best_key_metric == .97512  # TrainGenerator
>>> tg.datagen.batch_size == 32
... # will yield
>>> "M8__AutoEncoder-BS32-filters32_64-SGD-2e-4__max.975"

Note that if new_model_num is True, then will set to +1 the max number after "M" for directory names in logs_dir; e.g. if such a directory is "M15__Classifier", will use "M16", and set model_num = 16.

If an object is passed to model_configs, its .__name__ will be used as “value”; if this attribute is missing, will raise exception (default fn).

Note that “unique” doesn’t mean yielding a new name with each call to the function; for a name to be new, either a directory as described should have a higher "M{num}", or other sources of information must change values (e.g. TrainGenerator attributes, like best_key_metric).

get_last_log(name, best=False)

Returns latest savefile path from logdir (best=False) or best_models_dir (best=True).

name is one of: 'report', 'state', 'weights', 'history', 'init_state'. 'init_state' ignores best (uses =False).

_update_temp_history(metrics, val=False)

Updates temporary history given metrics. If using batch-slices, ensures entries are grouped appropriately.

  • Gets train (val=False) or val (=True) metrics, and validates that len(metrics) of returned list matches len of train_metrics or val_metrics.
  • Validates that each element of metrics is a numeric (e.g. float)
get_sample_weight(class_labels, val=False, slice_idx=None, force_unweighted=False)

Make sample_weight to feed to model based on class_labels (and, if applicable, weighted slices).

class_labels: np.ndarray

Classification class labels to map sample weights according to class_weights.

>>> class_weights = {0: 4, 1: 1, 2: 2.5}
>>> class_labels  == [1, 1, 0, 1, 2]    # if
>>> sample_weight == [4, 4, 1, 4, 2.5]  # then
val: bool
Whether to use class_weights (False) or val_class_weights (True). If using sliced weights, whether to use slices_per_batch of datagen (False) or val_datagen (False). Further, if True, will get weighted sample_weight if either of loss_weighted_slices_range or pred_weighted_slices_range are set (False requires former to be set).
slice_idx: int / None
Index of slice to get sample_weight for, if using slices. If None, will return all slices_per_batch number of sample_weight.
force_unweighted: bool
Get slice-unweighted sample_weight regardless of slice usage; used internally by _get_weighted_sample_weight() to break recursion.
_get_weighted_sample_weight(class_labels_all, val=False, weight_range=(0.5, 1.5), slice_idx=None)

Gets slices_per_batch number of sample_weight, scaled linearly from min to max of weight_range, over slices_per_batch number of steps.

>>> weight_range == (0.5, 1.5)
>>> class_weights == {0: 1, 1: 5}  # val = False
>>> slices_per_batch == 3
>>> slice_idx == None  # get all
>>> class_labels_all == [[0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1]]
>>> [[0.5, 0.5, 2.5],
...  [1.0, 1.0, 5.0],
...  [1.5, 7.5, 7.5]]
_set_predict_threshold(predict_threshold, for_current_iter=False)

Set predict_threshold and maybe dynamic_predict_threshold.


Compute validation metrics from history (‘evaluate’-mode), or cache (‘predict’-mode).

for_current_iter is True when inside of validate() loop, fitting individual batches/slices, and is False _on_val_end(), where metrics over the entire validation dataset are computed. In latter, best subset is found (if applicable).


Returns history entry for best best_subset_size number of validation batches, and sets best_subset_nums.

Ex: given 10 batches, a “best subset” of 5 is the set of 5 batches that yields the best (highest/lowest depending on max_is_best) key_metric. Useful for model ensembling in specializing member models on different parts of data.

_compute_metric(data, metric_name=None, metric_fn=None)

Compute metric given labels, preds, and sample weights or prediction threshold where applicable - and metric name or function.

_compute_metrics(labels_all_norm, preds_all_norm, sample_weight_all)

Computes metrics from labels, predictions, and sample weights, via _compute_metric().

Iterates over metric names in val_metrics:

  • name == 'loss': fetches loss name from model.loss, then function from deeptrain.util.metrics, computes metric, and adds model weight penalty loss (L1/L2). Loss from model.evaluate() may still differ, as no other regularizer loss is accounted for.
  • name == key_metric: computes metric with key_metric_fn.
  • name in custom_metrics: computes metric with custom_metrics[name] function.
  • name none of the above: passes name and model.loss to _compute_metric().

Ensures computed metrics are scalars (numbers, instead of lists, tuples, etc).

_transform_eval_data(labels_all, preds_all, sample_weight_all, class_labels_all, return_as_dict=True, unroll_into_samples=True)

Prepare data for feeding to metrics computing methods.

  • Stanardize labels and preds shapes to the expected (batches, *model.output_shape), or (batches, slices, *model.output_shape) if slices are used. See _validate_data_shapes().
  • Standardize sample_weight and class_labels shapes. See _validate_class_data_shapes().
  • Unroll data into samples (merge batches, slices, and samples dims). See _unroll_into_samples().

Given batch-slices predictions, “weighs” binary (sigmoid) class predictions linearly according to pred_weighted_slices_range, in slices_per_batch steps. In effect, 0-class predictions from later slices are weighted greater than those from earlier, and likewise for 1-class.

Norm logic: “0-class” is defined as predicting <0.5. 1 is subtracted from all predictions, so that 0-class preds are negative, and 1-class are positive. Preds are then scaled according to slice weights, so that greater weights correspond to more negative and more positive values. Preds are then shifted back to original [0, 1]. More negative values in shifted domain thus correspond to values closer to 0 in original domain, in a manner that weighs 0-class preds and 1-class preds equally.

_validate_data_shapes(data, val=True, validate_n_slices=True, validate_last_dims_match_outs_shape=True, validate_equal_shapes=True)

Ensures data entires are shaped (batches, *model.output_shape), or (batches, slices, *model.output_shape) if using slices.

  • Validate batch_size, and that it’s common to every batch/slice.
  • Validate slices_per_batch, and that it’s common to every batch/slice, if validate_n_slices.
data: dict[str: np.ndarray]
{'labels_all': labels_all, 'preds_all': preds_all}. Passed as self-naming dict to improve code readability in exception handling.
val: bool
Only relevant with validate_n_slices==True; if True, gets slices_per_batch from val_datagen - else, from datagen.
validate_n_slices: bool
(Default True) is set False when slice_idx is not None in in _get_weighted_sample_weight, which occurs during validate() when processing individual batch-slices. slice_idx is None _on_val_end().
validate_last_dims_match_outs_shape: bool
See _validate_class_data_shapes().
validate_equal_shapes: bool
See _validate_class_data_shapes().
_validate_class_data_shapes(data, val=True, validate_n_slices=False)

Standardize sample_weight and class_labels data. Same as _validate_data_shapes(), except skips two validations:

  • _validate_last_dims_match_outs_shape; for class_labels, model output shapes can be same as input shapes as with autoencoders, but inputs can still have class labels, subjecting to sample_weight. sample_weight often won’t share model output shape, as with e.g. multiclass classification, where individual classes aren’t weighted.
  • _equal_shapes; per above, data entries may not have equal shapes.
get_history_fig(plot_configs=None, w=1, h=1)

Plots train / validation history according to plot_configs.

plot_configs: dict / None
See _DEFAULT_PLOT_CFG. If None, defaults to TrainGenerator.plot_configs (which itself defaults to _PLOT_CFG in
w, h: float
Scale figure width & height, respectively.

plot_configs is structured as follows:

>>> {'fig_kw': fig_kw,
...  '0': {reserved_name: value,
...        plt_kw: value},
...  '1': {reserved_name: value,
...        plt_kw: value},
...  ...}
  • fig_kw: dict, passed to plt.subplots(**fig_kw)
  • reserved_name: str, one of ('metrics', 'x_ticks', 'vhlines', 'mark_best_cfg', 'ylims', 'legend_kw'). Used to configure supported custom plot behavior (see “Builtin plot customs” below).
  • plt_kw: str, name of kwarg to pass directly to plt.plot().
  • value: depends on key; see default plot_configs in _DEFAULT_PLOT_CFG and misc._make_plot_configs_from_metrics().

Only 'metrics' and 'x_ticks' keys are required for each dict - others have default values.

Builtin plot customs: (reserved_name)

  • 'metrics' (required): names of metrics to plot from histories, as {'train': train_metrics, 'val': val_metrics} (at least one metric name required, for only one of train/val - need to have “something” to plot).
  • x_ticks' (required): x-coordinates of respective metrics, of same len().
  • 'vhlines': dict[‘v’ / ‘h’: float]. vertical/horizontal lines; e.g. {'v': 10} will draw a vertical line at x = 10, and {'h': .5} at y = .5.
  • 'mark_best_cfg': {'train': metric_name} or {'val': metric_name} and (optional) {'max_is_best: bool} pairs. Will mark plot to indicate a metric optimum (max (if 'max_is_best', the default) or min).
  • 'ylims': y-limits of plot panes.
  • 'legend_kw': passed to plt.legend(); if None, no legend is drawn.

Defaults handling:

Keys and subkeys, where absent, will be filled from configs returned by misc._make_plot_configs_from_metrics().

  • If plot pane '0' is lacking entirely, it’ll be copied from the defaults.
  • If subkey 'color' in dict with key '0' is missing, will fill from defaults['0']['color'].

Further info:

  • Every key’s iterable value (list, etc) must be of same len as number of metrics in 'metrics'; this is ensured within cfg_fn.
  • Metrics are plotted in order of insertion (at both dict and list level), so later metrics will carry over to additional plot panes if number of metrics exceeds plot_first_pane_max_vals; see cfg_fn.
  • A convenient option is to change _PLOT_CFG in and pass plot_configs=None to TrainGenerator.__init__; will internally call cfg_fn, which validates some configs and tries to fill what’s missing.
  • Above, cfg_fn == misc._make_plot_configs_from_metrics()
compute_gradient_norm(input_data, labels, sample_weight=None, learning_phase=0, _id='*', mode='weights', norm_fn=(<ufunc 'sqrt'>, <ufunc 'square'>), scope='local')

Computes gradients w.r.t. layer weights or outputs per _id, and returns norm according to norm_fn and scope.

input_data: np.ndarray / list[np.ndarray] / supported formats
Data w.r.t. which loss is to be computed for the gradient. List of arrays for multi-input networks. “Supported formats” is any valid input to model.
labels: np.ndarray / list[np.ndarray] / supported formats
Labels w.r.t. which loss is to be computed for the gradient.
sample_weight: np.ndarray / list[np.ndarray] / supported formats
kwarg to, etc., weighting individual sample losses.
learning_phase: bool / int[bool]
  • 1: use model in train mode
  • 0: use model in inference mode
_id: str / int / list[str/int].
  • int -> idx; str -> name
  • idx: int. Index of layer to fetch, via model.layers[idx].
  • name: str. Name of layer (full or substring) to be fetched. Returns earliest match if multiple found.
  • list[str/int] -> treat each str element as name, int as idx. Ex: ['gru', 2] gets (e.g.) weights of first layer with name substring ‘gru’, then of layer w/ idx 2.
  • '*' (wildcard) -> get (e.g.) outputs of all layers (except input) with ‘output’ attribute.
mode: str in (‘weights’, ‘outputs’, ‘gradients:weights’, ‘gradients:outputs’)
Whether to fetch layer weights, outputs, or gradients (w.r.t. outputs or weights).
norm_fn: (function, function) / function
Norm function(s) to apply to gradients arrays when gathering. (np.sqrt, np.square) for L2-norm, np.abs for L1-norm. Computed as: outer_fn(sum(inner_fn(x) for x in data)), where outer_fn, inner_fn = norm_fn if norm_fn is list/tuple, and inner_fn = norm_fn and outer_fn = lambda x: x otherwise.
scope: str in (‘local’, ‘global’)
Whether to apply stat_fn on individual gradient arrays, or sum of.
Gradient norm(s). List of float if scope == 'local' (norms of weights), else float (outer_fn(sum(sum(inner_fn(g)) for g in grads))).

TensorFlow optimizers do gradient clipping according to the clipnorm setting by comparing individual weights’ L2-norms against clipnorm, and rescaling if exceeding. These L2 norms can be obtained using norm_fn=(np.sqrt, np.square) with scope == 'local' and mode='weights'. See:

  • tensorflow.python.keras.optimizer_v2.optimizer_v2._clip_gradients
  • keras.optimizers.clip_norm
  • tensorflow.python.ops.clip_ops.clip_by_norm
gradient_norm_over_dataset(val=False, learning_phase=0, mode='weights', norm_fn=(<ufunc 'sqrt'>, <ufunc 'square'>), stat_fn=<function median>, n_iters=None, prog_freq=10, w=1, h=1)

Aggregates gradient norms over dataset, one iteration at a time. Useful for estimating value of gradient clipping, clipnorm, to use. Plots a histogram of gathered data when finished. Also see compute_gradient_norm().

val: bool
  • True: gather over val_datagen batches
  • False: gather over datagen batches
learning_phase: bool / int[bool]
  • True: get gradients of model in train mode
  • False: get gradients of model in inference mode
mode: str in (‘weights’, ‘outputs’)
Whether to get gradients with respect to layer weights or outputs.
norm_fn: (function, function) / function
Norm function(s) to apply to gradients arrays when gathering. (np.sqrt, np.square) for L2-norm, np.abs for L1-norm. Computed as: outer_fn(sum(inner_fn(g) for g in grads)), where outer_fn, inner_fn = norm_fn if norm_fn is list/tuple, and inner_fn = norm_fn and outer_fn = lambda x: x otherwise.
stat_fn: function
Aggregate function to apply on computed norms. If np.mean, will gather mean of gradients; if np.median, the median, etc. Computed as: stat_fn(outer_fn(sum(inner_fn(g) for g in grads))).
n_iters: int / None
Number of expected iterations over entire dataset. Can be used to iterate over subset of entire dataset. If None, will return upon DataGenerator.all_data_exhausted.
prog_freq: int
How often to print f'|{batch_idx}', and '.' otherwise, in terms of number of batches (not iterations, but are same if not using slices). E.g. 5: ....|5....|10....|15.
w, h: float
Scale figure width & height, respectively.
grad_norms: np.ndarray
Norms of gradients for every iteration. Shape: (iters_processed, n_params), where n_params is number of gradient arrays whose norm stats were computed at each iteration.
batches_processed: int
Number of batches processed.
iters_processed: int
Number of iterations processed (if using e.g. 4 slices per batch, will equal 4 * batches_processed).
gradient_sum_over_dataset(val=False, learning_phase=0, mode='weights', n_iters=None, prog_freq=10, plot_kw={})

Computes cumulative sum of gradients over dataset, one iteration at a time, preserving full array shapes. Useful for computing mean of gradients over dataset, or other aggregate metrics.

val: bool
  • True: gather over val_datagen batches
  • False: gather over datagen batches
learning_phase: bool / int[bool]
  • True: get gradients of model in train mode
  • False: get gradients of model in inference mode
mode: str in (‘weights’, ‘outputs’)
Whether to get gradients with respect to layer weights or outputs.
n_iters: int / None
Number of expected iterations over entire dataset. Can be used to iterate over subset of entire dataset. If None, will return upon DataGenerator.all_data_exhausted.
prog_freq: int
How often to print f'|{batch_idx}', and '.' otherwise, in terms of number of batches (not iterations, but are same if not using slices). E.g. 5: ....|5....|10....|15.
plot_kw: dict
Kwargs to pass to see_rnn.features_hist; defaults to {'share_xy': False, 'center_zero': True}.
grad_sum: dict[str: np.ndarray]
Gradient arrays summed over dataset. Structure: {name: array, name: array, ...}, where name is name of weight array or layer output.
batches_processed: int
Number of batches processed.
iters_processed: int
Number of iterations processed (if using e.g. 4 slices per batch, will equal 4 * batches_processed).
_gather_over_dataset(gather_fn, val=False, n_iters=None, prog_freq=10)

Iterates over DataGenerator, applying gather_fn to every batch (or slice). Stops after n_iters, or when DataGenerator.all_data_exhausted if n_iters is None. Useful for monitoring quantities over the course of training or inference,.

gather_fn recursively updates data; as such, it can be used to append to a list, update a dictionary, operate on an array, etc. Review source code for exact logic.

interrupt_status() -> (<class 'bool'>, <class 'bool'>)

Prints whether TrainGenerator was interrupted (e.g. KeyboardInterrupt, or via exception) during train() and validate(). Returns bools (True for interrupted, else False) for each, as (train, val).

Not foolproof; user can set flags manually or via callbacks. For further assurance, check temp_history, val_temp_history, and cache attributes (e.g. _preds_cache) which are cleared at end of validate() by default; this method checks only flags: _train_loop_done, train_postiter_processed, _val_loop_done, _val_postiter_processed.


Prints various useful TrainGenerator & DataGenerator attributes, and interrupt status.


Makes default plot_configs, building on configs._PLOT_CFG; see get_history_fig(). Validates some configs and tries to fill others.

  • Ensures every iterable config is of same len() as number of metrics in 'metrics', by extending last value of iterable to match the len. Ex:

    >>> {'metrics': {'val': ['loss', 'accuracy', 'f1']},
    ...  'linestyle': ['--', '-'],  # -> ['--', '-', '-']
    ... }
  • Assigns colors to metrics based on a default cycling coloring scheme, with some predefined customs (look for _customs_map in source code).

  • Configures up to two plot panes, mediated by plot_first_pane_max_vals; if number of metrics in 'metrics' exceeds it, then a second pane is used. Can be used to configure how many metrics to draw in first pane; useful for managing clutter.


Ensures various attributes are properly configured, and attempts correction where possible.

Module contents